History of Universe

At the end of the 19th century, the age of the universe was thought to be several hundred million years. Today, it is estimated to be about 15 billion years. Scientists now know that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old and that the first life forms emerged as primitive microscopic organisms 3 billion years ago. In 1899, the ideas of Darwin had begun to be accepted by a majority of people, but little was known about the evolutionary tree of life. Today, the relations between the different life forms of the past have been mapped out with impressive detail.
In 1899, hardly anything was known about the history of the universe. Nowadays, cosmologists have deduced a general picture of what transpired starting at 10-12 seconds (one trillionth of a second) after the Big Bang beginning. For a list of some of the main events, click here. The universe started as an extremely hot concentration of mass and energy. As time advanced, the universe expanded, meaning that the fabric of space stretched. Through this stretching, material was dispersed and the universe cooled. Eventually, gravity took hold of higher concentrations of matter, causing them to collapse into galaxy clusters at larger scales and into stars at smaller scales. The process of star formation through gravitational collapse continues today, although at a slower rate.
The evolution of the universe, earth and life is a great history story, a story that astonishes and enlightens, a story that cannot be told in a few paragraphs, but is told as a wonderful narration of amazing events in The Old Testament of The Bible According to Einstein.

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